Information of Shiba Toyoin
Access information page.
Name | Shiba Toyoin |
Street address | 〒105-0013 Sanwa Building 2F, 1-27-17 Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku, Tokyo |
Phone number | 03-3438-3738 |
Business hours | 11:00~20:00 ※ Please consult for your request about the time, while it depends on the situations. |
Regular holiday | Sunday |
Parking Lot | No (coin parking nearby) |
Payment method | Cash and various QR code payments * Cards are not available. |
Shiba Toyoin
- A 2-minute walk from Daimon Station Exit A2, a 4-minute walk from Hamamatsucho Station North Exit and Monorail Exit, and an 8-minute walk from Onarimon Station.
If you want to improve your daily fatigue, stiffness and pain, please come to Shiba Toyoin.
Please drop in a little spare time before your flight.